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July 2002 - Announcements Page

Game Changes[]

Your trained Appraise Item skill has been removed. All the experience and skill credits that you spent on this skill have been refunded to you.
You are now trained in Item Tinkering.
Your base Item Tinkering skill is now 120!
  • Final step in the treasure system update. See the Letter to the Players for details.
  • Many changes have been made to the Life Magic transfer spells. See the Letter to the Players for details.
  • Stamps introduced.
  • New Royal Atlatls, with significantly higher damage modifiers, can be found as treasure.
Royal Atlatl

Royal Atlatl

User Interface Updates[]

  • Learnt spells can now be filtered by magic school and spell level in the spellbook panel.

New Quests[]

New Events[]

New NPCs[]

New Locations[]

New Items[]

Singularity Chest Icon Singularity Chest

Aluvian Festival Light Icon Aluvian Festival LightGharu'ndim Festival Light Icon Gharu'ndim Festival LightSho Festival Light Icon Sho Festival LightBotched Flag Icon Botched FlagHerald Flag Icon Herald FlagAcademy Flag Icon Academy FlagAlchemy Flag Icon Alchemy FlagCooking Flag Icon Cooking FlagBael'Zharon Flag Icon Bael'Zharon FlagOlthoi Flag Icon Olthoi FlagFish Flag Icon Fish FlagMoons Flag Icon Moons FlagFletching Flag Icon Fletching FlagVirindi Flag Icon Virindi Flag

Gaerlan's Key Icon Gaerlan's Key

Tusker Husk Icon Tusker HuskUnfashioned Prismatic Stone Icon Unfashioned Prismatic StoneMajor Prismatic Stone Icon Major Prismatic Stone

Ust Icon UstSalvaged Alabaster Icon Salvaged AlabasterSalvaged Armoredillo Hide Icon Salvaged Armoredillo HideSalvaged Bronze Icon Salvaged BronzeSalvaged Ceramic Icon Salvaged CeramicSalvaged Marble Icon Salvaged MarbleSalvaged Reedshark Hide Icon Salvaged Reedshark HideSalvaged Steel Icon Salvaged SteelSalvaged Wool Icon Salvaged WoolSalvaged Gold Icon Salvaged GoldSalvaged Linen Icon Salvaged LinenSalvaged Pine Icon Salvaged PineSalvaged Brass Icon Salvaged BrassSalvaged Granite Icon Salvaged GraniteSalvaged Iron Icon Salvaged IronSalvaged Mahogany Icon Salvaged MahoganySalvaged Oak Icon Salvaged OakSalvaged Velvet Icon Salvaged VelvetSalvaged Amethyst Icon Salvaged AmethystSalvaged Aquamarine Icon Salvaged AquamarineSalvaged Black Garnet Icon Salvaged Black GarnetSalvaged Citrine Icon Salvaged CitrineSalvaged Copper Icon Salvaged CopperSalvaged Diamond Icon Salvaged DiamondSalvaged Ebony Icon Salvaged EbonySalvaged Emerald Icon Salvaged EmeraldSalvaged Green Garnet Icon Salvaged Green GarnetSalvaged Gromnie Hide Icon Salvaged Gromnie HideSalvaged Hematite Icon Salvaged HematiteSalvaged Imperial Topaz Icon Salvaged Imperial TopazSalvaged Jet Icon Salvaged Jet

Salvaged Lavender Jade Icon Salvaged Lavender JadeSalvaged Leather Icon Salvaged LeatherSalvaged Moonstone Icon Salvaged MoonstoneSalvaged Onyx Icon Salvaged OnyxSalvaged Opal Icon Salvaged OpalSalvaged Peridot Icon Salvaged PeridotSalvaged Porcelain Icon Salvaged PorcelainSalvaged Pyreal Icon Salvaged PyrealSalvaged Red Jade Icon Salvaged Red JadeSalvaged Rose Quartz Icon Salvaged Rose QuartzSalvaged Ruby Icon Salvaged RubySalvaged Satin Icon Salvaged SatinSalvaged Silver Icon Salvaged SilverSalvaged Silk Icon Salvaged SilkSalvaged Sandstone Icon Salvaged SandstoneSalvaged Sapphire Icon Salvaged SapphireSalvaged Satin Icon Salvaged SatinSalvaged Teak Icon Salvaged TeakSalvaged White Jade Icon Salvaged White JadeSalvaged White Sapphire Icon Salvaged White SapphireSalvaged Yellow Topaz Icon Salvaged Yellow TopazSalvaged Zircon Icon Salvaged Zircon

Scrolls (Armor Tinkering)

Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering IgnoranceScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise OtherScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other II Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other IIScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other III Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other IIIScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other IV Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other IVScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other V Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other VScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other VI Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Other VIScroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance II Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance IIScroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance III Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance IIIScroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance IV Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance IVScroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance V Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance VScroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance VI Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Ignorance VIScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self III Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self IIIScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise SelfScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self II Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self IIScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self IV Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self IVScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self V Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VScroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI Icon Scroll of Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI

Scrolls (Item Tinkering)

Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering IgnoranceScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise SelfScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise OtherScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other II Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other IIScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other III Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other IIIScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other IV Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other IVScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other V Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other VScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other VI Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Other VIScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self II Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self IIScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self III Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self IIIScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self IV Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self IVScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self V Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self VScroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self VI Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Expertise Self VIScroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance II Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance IIScroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance III Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance IIIScroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance IV Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance IVScroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance V Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance VScroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance VI Icon Scroll of Item Tinkering Ignorance VI

Scrolls (Magic Item Tinkering)

Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering IgnoranceScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise SelfScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise OtherScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other II Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other IIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other III Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other IIIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other IV Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other IVScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other V Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other VScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other VI Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Other VIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self II Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self IIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self III Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self IIIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self IV Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self IVScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self V Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self VScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self VI Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Self VIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance II Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance IIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance III Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance IIIScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance IV Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance IVScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance V Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance VScroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance VI Icon Scroll of Magic Item Tinkering Ignorance VI

Scrolls (Weapon Tinkering)

Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise OtherScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise SelfScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering IgnoranceScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other II Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other IIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other III Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other IIIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other IV Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other IVScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other V Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other VScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other VI Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Other VIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self II Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self IIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self III Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self IIIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self IV Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self IVScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self V Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self VScroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self VI Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Self VIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance II Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance IIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance III Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance IIIScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance IV Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance IVScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance V Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance VScroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance VI Icon Scroll of Weapon Tinkering Ignorance VI

Scrolls (Life Magic)

Scroll of Martyr's Blight I Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight IScroll of Martyr's Blight II Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight IIScroll of Martyr's Blight III Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight IIIScroll of Martyr's Blight IV Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight IVScroll of Martyr's Blight V Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight VScroll of Martyr's Blight VI Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight VIScroll of Martyr's Blight VII Icon Scroll of Martyr's Blight VIIScroll of Martyr's Tenacity I Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity IScroll of Martyr's Tenacity II Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity IIScroll of Martyr's Tenacity III Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity IIIScroll of Martyr's Tenacity IV Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity IVScroll of Martyr's Tenacity V Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity VScroll of Martyr's Tenacity VI Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity VIScroll of Martyr's Tenacity VII Icon Scroll of Martyr's Tenacity VIIScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb I Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb IScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb II Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb IIScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb III Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb IIIScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb IV Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb IVScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb V Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb VScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb VI Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb VIScroll of Martyr's Hecatomb VII Icon Scroll of Martyr's Hecatomb VII

Herald Stamp Icon Herald StampAcademy Stamp Icon Academy StampAlchemy Stamp Icon Alchemy StampCooking Stamp Icon Cooking StampBael'Zharon Stamp Icon Bael'Zharon StampOlthoi Stamp Icon Olthoi StampFish Stamp Icon Fish StampMoons Stamp Icon Moons StampFletching Stamp Icon Fletching StampVirindi Stamp Icon Virindi Stamp

Gaerlan's Diary Icon Gaerlan's DiaryGaerlan's Field Reports Icon Gaerlan's Field ReportsJosef's Wish List Icon Josef's Wish ListLetter for Melanay Icon Letter for MelanayTinkering (Text) Icon Tinkering (Text)

Perfect Shimmering Isparian Atlatl Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian AtlatlPerfect Shimmering Isparian Axe Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian AxePerfect Shimmering Isparian Bow Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian BowPerfect Shimmering Isparian Claw Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian ClawPerfect Shimmering Isparian Crossbow Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian CrossbowPerfect Shimmering Isparian Dagger Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian DaggerPerfect Shimmering Isparian Mace Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian MacePerfect Shimmering Isparian Spear Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian SpearPerfect Shimmering Isparian Staff Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian StaffPerfect Shimmering Isparian Sword Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian SwordPerfect Shimmering Isparian Wand Icon Perfect Shimmering Isparian Wand

Trade Note (150,000) Icon Trade Note (150,000)Trade Note (200,000) Icon Trade Note (200,000)Trade Note (250,000) Icon Trade Note (250,000)

New Skills[]

New Spells[]

New Dialog[]

Town Crier

Town Crier tells you, "What are we to do? Asheron helped us so much without us even knowing. Perhaps it's time to strike a blow against Martine and Gaerlan in the places we know their minions dwell."

Town Crier tells you, "Why, I am having such a great time utilizing my new Tinkering Skills, I was almost late for work today!"

Town Crier tells you, "Gaerlan's Citadel is on the move! They say it is heading towards Crater Village!"

Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum has been expanding some of the existing cottage and villa settlements. Mostly in Middle and West Osteth, a few in Northeast Osteth."

Town Crier tells you, "Asheron is gone...can it be true? Were you there? My cousin said that Martine tore a hole open in Asheron's chest. This Empyrean, Gaerlan, and Martine were in league all along. Now Asheron is gone and we are all alone against these madmen."

Town Crier tells you, "Hard at work the Arcanum has been, building new Residential Quarters! They are accessible from Glenden Wood, Qalabar and Baishi."

Town Crier tells you, "Some more mansions have been built! Ten new ones, I believe."

Town Crier tells you, "I got my UST! Do you have an UST? You MUST get an UST! Or your backpack may bust! Available in most towns."

Town Crier tells you, "They pay me to say that. I hate it too."

Town Crier tells you, "I heard a secret, but it'll cost you more than that."

Town Crier tells you, "Why would monsters steal stamps from the Arcanum Storehouse? And certain monsters seem to have particular stamps. Some of the creatures just don't seem intelligent enough to have taken the stamps, let alone picked a favorite."

Town Crier tells you, "I heard of a couple new mansions North of the Lithaenean River, near the river mouth. Also, two West of Sawato!"

Town Crier tells you, "Hey, so here's a tip. Use Tinkering to clean out some of that junk you carry with you. That loot you'll never use can be converted to salvageable material!"

Town Crier tells you, "I heard tell of a secret city beneath Rithwic. If it's true, who lives there? And why? Who wants to live beneath the ground anyway?"

Town Crier tells you, "A passerby told me of a couple new mansions on the Southern land bridge. I shudder to think how close to the Direlands that is."

Town Crier tells you, "Psst! There are some new houses Northeast of Arwic, or East of Bandit Castle, whichever direction you prefer."

Town Crier tells you, "Hey, so here's a tip. Use Tinkering to clean out some of that junk you carry with you. That loot you'll never use can be converted to salvageable material!"

Town Crier tells you, "Nuhmudira isn't there anymore. Not a soul knows where she has gotten off to, but she is no longer in her prison but her cries remain. It's spooky, or so those that have been there have said."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know what the Virindi call a Royal Atlatl with Deadly Darts?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A Royal Atlatl with Deadly Darts. The Virindi aren't all that creative."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A beautiful young woman paid me a visit last night. At first she seemed really angry and warned me about "idle chatter", but then she seemed to sweeten up a bit and bought me some Stout, she really was quite stunning. She talked to me for quite awhile, asking questions every now and then, but I don't remember much of it."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I do remember gazing at her as I started blacking out and as the blackness spread across my vision I had the oddest notion that she had eight legs! Haha, two's enough for me!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I was going to go see the Elysa and Asheron relight the Festival Stones, but I hate crowds."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So somebody was helping Martine? Yeah, I remember Gaerlan from when he was just a little punk. He gets himself a big fancy floating house and now he thinks he can run everything."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear Martine finally did it. He blasted Asheron with one of his strike spells."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "If he wasn't so wrapped up in his little love drama he might have listened to the old man for once! Bohoo, Martine! We've all had it rough!!! You don't see me going around shooting people!!!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I always thought he would be the end of us..."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I guess in a way he will be. Without Asheron, we can't stop Gaerlan."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Nice knowing you."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A UST huh? You know what that stands for right?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ulgrim's Salvaging Tool."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Pretty impressive, I know, but what do you expect from the Master Tinkerer."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I had a really bad dream last night. I was gazing into my stout, as I often do, when the surface started to boil and froth and then these four figures seemed to rise out of the suds. Then the most horrible thing happened. They drank my stout! All of it! They just seemed to suck it all up! It was horrible!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron can't be dead, he's to clingy to just die on us."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, you are admiring my sword?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's going to be the best sword in all of Dereth! I've already increased it's burden and made it worthless. I just have to figure out why it keeps turning green..."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I don't think the rumor of monsters raiding the Arcanum Storehouse is right. You want to know where I think the stamps came from? Think about it! They started appearing on monsters just when we need to be preparing our defenses against Gaerlan."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The Man is trying to keep us down!!"

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