Asheron's Call Community Wiki
See Recall Spells for information on obtaining recall spells.

Related topics: Spells, Spell Research, Recall Spells

Spell List Item Magic

  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Type refers to whether a spell is player castable ( Learnable Spell Icon ), player castable but retired ( Retired Spell Icon ), player usable but only on items ( Item Only Spell Icon ), only used by creatures ( Creature Only Spell Icon ), or unknown/not in game ( This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. ).

Group I[]

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Primary Portal I Link Icon 60 sec 0.0 70 200 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Primary Portal Tie. Silver Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Secondary Portal I Link Icon 60 sec 0.0 70 200 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Secondary Portal Tie. Silver Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconQuicksilver IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Primary Portal II Link Icon 3 min 0.0 90 225 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Primary Portal Tie. Gold Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Secondary Portal II Link Icon 3 min 0.0 90 225 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Secondary Portal Tie. Gold Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconQuicksilver IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Primary Portal III Link Icon 5 min 0.0 110 250 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Primary Portal Tie. Pyreal Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Summon Secondary Portal III Link Icon 5 min 0.0 110 250 Summons a portal that goes to the destination of the caster's linked portal, set with Secondary Portal Tie. Pyreal Scarab IconYarrow IconPowdered Malachite IconQuicksilver IconRowan Talisman Icon

Group II[]

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Learnable Spell Icon Lifestone Tie Link Icon -- 10.0 50 100 Links the caster to a targeted Lifestone. Copper Scarab IconDragonsblood IconPowdered Malachite IconTurpeth IconHazel Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Primary Portal Tie Link Icon -- 30.0 50 150 Links the caster to a targeted portal. Copper Scarab IconDragonsblood IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconHazel Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Secondary Portal Tie Link Icon -- 30.0 50 150 Links the caster to a targeted portal. Copper Scarab IconDragonsblood IconPowdered Malachite IconQuicksilver IconHazel Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Lifestone Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 100 Transports the caster to the Lifestone to which they have previously linked. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconTurpeth IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Portal Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 100 Transports the caster to the destination of the last recallable portal the caster traveled through. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconColcothar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Primary Portal Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 100 Transports the caster to the destination of the portal last successfully linked to with Primary Portal Tie. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Secondary Portal Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 100 Transports the caster to the destination of the portal last successfully linked to with Secondary Portal Tie. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconQuicksilver IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Lifestone Sending Link Icon -- 0.0 50 125 Transports the target to the last Lifestone he or she used. Copper Scarab IconGold Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon

Group III[]

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Learnable Spell Icon Aerlinthe Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 150 150 Transports the caster to Aerlinthe Island. Diamond Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Mount Lethe Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 150 150 Transports the caster to the base of Mount Lethe. Diamond Scarab IconGold Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Ulgrim's Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 150 150 A really really good spell. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Glenden Wood Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to Glenden Wood. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Item Only Spell Icon Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 This spell teleports the caster to the Chapterhouse of the Rossu Morta.  
Item Only Spell Icon Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 This spell teleports the caster to the Chapterhouse of the Whispering Blade.  
Learnable Spell Icon Bur Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to Bur. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Call of the Mhoire Forge Link Icon -- 0.0 150 150 Calls the spirit to the location of the forge of House Mhoire. Diamond Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconGypsum IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Colosseum Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to the Colosseum. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Facility Hub Recall Link Icon -- 30.0 10 200 Transports the caster to the Facility Hub. Copper Scarab IconDiamond Scarab IconPowdered Malachite IconRowan Talisman Icon
Item Only Spell Icon Return to the Keep Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 This spell returns the caster to Candeth Keep.  
Item Only Spell Icon Celestial Hand Stronghold Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to the Celestial Hand Stronghold.  
Item Only Spell Icon Eldrytch Web Stronghold Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to the Eldrytch Web Stronghold.  
Item Only Spell Icon Radiant Blood Stronghold Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to the Radiant Blood Stronghold.  
Learnable Spell Icon Recall the Sanctuary Link Icon -- 30.0 70 200 Transports the caster to the Ithaenc Cathedral. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconCobalt IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Recall Aphus Lassel Link Icon -- 0.0 150 225 Teleports caster to Aphus Lassel. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconCobalt IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Recall to the Singularity Caul Link Icon -- 0.0 150 225 Teleports caster to the Singularity Caul. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconCobalt IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Paradox-touched Olthoi Infested Area Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 150 225 Transports the caster to the area infested by the Paradox-touched Olthoi. Copper Scarab IconComfrey IconCobalt IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Gear Knight Invasion Area Camp Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to the Gear Knight Invasion Area Camp. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Lost City of Neftet Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to Lost City of Neftet. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Viridian Rise Great Tree Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 This spell teleports the caster to the Viridian Rise Great Tree. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Viridian Rise Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 This spell teleports the caster to the Viridian Rise. Gold Scarab IconSilver Scarab IconComfrey IconPowdered Malachite IconRealgar IconRowan Talisman Icon
Learnable Spell Icon Rynthid Recall Link Icon -- 0.0 50 150 Sends the caster to Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains.

Group IV[]

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. Groovy Portal Sending Link Icon -- 0.0 50000 2000 Sends you on a magical, groove-filled trip....  